Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prof. Asmerom Legesse: Ageb Ayfalkmun!

A friend of mine forwarded me the following link. Prof. Asmerom Legesse was on ERi-TV's open Mic and I can't believe what the good professor was talking about. The discussion was in relation to a conference held in Asmara about "Democracy in Africa" sponsored by Libya to sell Gadaf's Green Book. (for those of you who are not familiar with green book, it is Gadafi's version of democracy or Gadafi's manual of how to rule for life). Prof. Asmerom have presented a paper on this conference. That was the first mistake he made: by presenting a paper in the conference, he has effectively endorsed the the tone of the conference. The second mistake was what he said on the Interview. For that, I don't even want to comment. I will let you hear for your self. Click here to watch the interview.


Merhawie said...

I thought it was a great interview, particularly in the second half where he was discussing the origin and intrigues of customary law in Eritrea. I thought it was insightful and makes me far more interested in the subject matter.

Anonymous said...

Your comment sounds as if you are indoctrinated with the west mockery democracy. You really need to get to walkup my brother! Indeed a real scholar is the one who can make benefit for him/her self and his/her own country and people. Therefore, Prof. Asmerom and his likes are Eritrea’s pride whereas you and likes are called pro-western according to the west, which literally means stooges nothing more nothing less. You got to dig deep into it and come up with something to bring change on the ground where and to whom? in your home country and to your own people.

In short, be like yourself! Which means like your own people education shouldn't sell out your core i.e. your people & your country, rather should strengthen you to be creative enough for the betterment of your core. Otherwise, it will be like a person who can read, but don't read is not better than the one who can't read.

Ezi wedehanka!