President Obama has a pointed Johnnie Carson as the next US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs to replace Jendayi Frazer. With little interest given to Africa in US foreign policy, this is the most important position where US policies towards Africa are shaped. This is specially true for Ethio-Eritrea issues. I didn't get any information if he has any different position on Ethio/Eritrea than his predecessor. However, his resume shows he has extensive career related to Africa and is more familiar with Ethio-Eritrea issues than two of his predecessors. He was also the principal deputy of Assistant Secretary to Africa during the Ethio-Eritrea border conflict (1997-1999).His resume includes three term Ambassadorship to Kenya (1999–2003), Zimbabwe (1995–1997) and Uganda (1991–1994), Peace Corp Service in Tanzania and many other positions related to Africa. He is currently the national intelligence officer for Africa on the National Intelligence Council. Read more on his background here
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