But my Eritrean fellows seem comfortable with Sen. Barak Obama. They are very enthusiastic supporters of the junior senator from Illinois. Almost all the Eritreans that I know here are his supporters. A cursory browse of the young Eritreans on facebook repeats the same story. Their facebook pages read:
Go for Obama…..Yes we can….one million strong supporters of Obama….etc,
Go for Obama…..Yes we can….one million strong supporters of Obama….etc,
Another an informal poll(of Eritrean visitors) in awate.com shows the following figures: Barak Obama 73% Hillary Clinton 16.9% John MacCain 3.4% Ron Paul 2.8%By all measures, Obama commands an overwhelming support among Eritreans. If only Eritreans were the electors, Obama would be the next president. But where does all this support come from? As any immigrant communities, one would expect that Eritreans would go for the candidate who would offer the best menu towards their home country. Add to that; the fact that most Eritreans support the Eritrean government and blame Washington for the worsening of the US-Eritrea relationship. Thus one would expect, from the Support of Eritreans in the USA for Obama, his presidency would bring hope for a better US-Eritrea relationship: an end to the deteriorating relationship between Washington and Asmara. But is that so?So far we haven’t heard any detailed policy of the candidates towards Africa. But we can learn a great deal of what their presidency offers from the composition of their foreign policy advisory teams. These are the people who will set the foreign policy and priority of his presidency. They are the people who will dominate the state department.
On Obama's top list of foreign policy advisory team are two familiar names to all Eritreans: Susan Rice and Anthony Lake. And that is where the hope messages disappears.
On Obama's top list of foreign policy advisory team are two familiar names to all Eritreans: Susan Rice and Anthony Lake. And that is where the hope messages disappears.
Susan Rice was Assistant Secretary of State for Africa during the Ethio-Eritrea border war(Clinton administration). And we don't have a good memory of her time in the state department. At least, the government of Preseident Iseyas Afewerki(PIA) has accused her for complicating the border conflict and for taking side with Ethiopia. In fact PIA him self has publicly dismissed her as “a 35-year old immature, inexperienced intern diplomat.” Certainly, Susan Rice will not have any sympathy for PIA.
Anthony Lake was also a special envoy of President Clinton for the Ethio-Eritrea conflict. During the two years of the conflict from 1998 to 2000, Anthony Lake has carried out a countless shuttle diplomacy between Addis Ababa- Asmara- Washington. He was the top diplomat dominating the diplomatic mission to solve the conflict. But his effort didn’t produce any fruit. Nor does it left a good memory of him. In fact, Anthony Lake, like Susan Rice, was dismissed by the Eritrean government for complicating the border conflict and the peace process. If you don’t remember some of these statements defaming Anthony Lake, I am sure you will remember the famous comedy “Enkilalo!!”
Anthony Lake was not only accused of complicating the border conflict, but after the 2001 crisis in PFDJ, he was also accused for using his shuttle diplomacy for conspiring against the Eritrean government....the kind of CIA spy behind G-13 and G-15!!!!
And now, with Obama’s presidency, both Susan Rice and Anthony Lake will be back to the sate department and to Washington. Clearly, this is not a hope menu for Eritrea and for PIA.So why do Eritreans overwhelmingly support Obama? May be they haven't paid attention to the people behind him. Or may be they like the idea that an immigrant son from East Africa is a good model for their kids. But as far as for Eritrea (and the government of PIA) is concerned, Obama provides the worst menu of all the candidates.
Mike, thank you for sharing your view on the on going US presidential election process. I think you started to walk on your article by wearing "Higdef's shoes". what i mean is you view things in the eyes of Higdefawyan. You know that i strongly oppose the illegal regime in eritrea. But you start to call such illegal regime as "our government", which labels you as a pro-higdef regim. At least i don't recognize higdef as my government. Another thing which i don't agree with you is that you put this "the fact that most Eritreans support the Eritrean government and blame Washington for the worsening of the US-Eritrea relationship" as a fact. This opinion is heard only through the higdef medias.
Here is the thing mike, obviously the current US administration have not played its roll in the case of ethio-eritrea conflict, even it took ethiopian side. However, the bottom line problem for eritrea is not only the border conflict with ethiopians. In my assessment, the main cause for the eritrean suffering is the illegal dictator and its thugs. First for most, i blame the dictator rather than the US administration.
To come to your points on the article again, I don't believe there would be a huge policy shift in US political change specifically concerning eritrea. Therefore, whether Obama or Hillary, i don't expect any thing that changes the situation in eritrea but i do expect sth here. so, as an immigrant i can only support Obama or Hillary in the perspective of what would be happening right here in US that affects my life.
Peace to eritrea
Hawuka Sami
Hi Sami:
Thanks for your comment. I know I sound like A HGDEF...I don't either recognize PIA as a legitimate government. But as long as he runs a government in my home country, I think it is still our government...though a bad government.
But comments are well taken.
It was very disappointing and disheartening for me to learn from your blogspot that the foreign policy advisors of Barak Obama, who tomorrow, in his victroy, could come to the foreign department are so familiar with us Eritreans. And the fact being so, it is amazing that many Eritreans would have voted for him. I think it is just b/se he is black. Even I, so naive that I am, would have voted for him. Last week my younger brother asked me who I would have voted for, and I answered him "Of course Obama." He said, "Aren't u a female, why not vote for Hilary?" And I answered him, "I was black before I was a female." I think, first, it is time for the black Americans to secure their place in the history of the politics of their nation. But for us Eritreans, we only pray that God help us.
I am glad that by the time I wrote this comment Suzan Rice confirmed as a US Ambassador to the UN. Great nomination from OBAMA. That is the change I was waiting for. Dictator Isaias has led my country Eritrea to disaster and I remember him mocking Suzan Rice inexperienced and comlicating the peace process. You will never ever say that unless you are ignorant. Now, Rice can understand the dictators vision, incompetency, and arrogance to the international community and their own people. Obama will have a perfect feedback from Rice to punish the dictator. No election, no democracy, youth in prison, no food, no freedom, all the youth escaping from Eritrea, the last country in the free press ranking etc etc etc. This is Your government Mr. Michael Hudru. By the way thanks Sami for replying in appropriate way. Michael and Issaias may hold the US for the complications in Eritrea, Sami my hold rightly the dictator Isaias accountable, but I hold Eritreans in the diaspora responsible for their ignorance and for deserting the people of Eritrea by blindly applauding for every action of the dictator. Go to the so called festivals to appease the PFDJ juntas and everytime you do this rest assured one of your brothers is dying in prison in your country. That makes you feel happy I think. Eritreans in diaspora live in a very confortable democrasies created by Westerners and tell the people inside Eritrea MEKETE MEKETE MEKETE. The call the governement the havent even elected our governement. By the way for your information Eritrea is the only country without accredited university. Do you know the reason for the closure of the University of Asmara. It is because the Dictator Isaias is paranoid of the students who once defied and questioned his objectives. Finally, Bush might have been a horror for the so called border issue, but Obama will be the horror for the dictator. Good job Obama for appointing Rice as ambassador. Now there is no way to fool the international community. Down with the juntas of Eritrea. By the way I came to the West recently and I am provoked to write this thing because still the Eritreans in the diaspora call the PFDJ juntas 'our governemnt'. I am sorry for the Eritrean who are dying without ever casting a balot in their life!!!!
I came across this website, and this timely article, by accident. Great webpage Michael. I will defnitely be Visiting regularly now that i found it. I too have heard the appointment of Susan Rice as UN ambassador. We all remember the childish name calling and hate campaign waged against Susan Rice when she was a US envoy to facilitate the peace process back in 1999. I hope that she(the Obama Adminstrtion) put more pressure on DIA and speed up his distruction. Every Eritrean (specially Eritrean-Americans) should Seize this moment and use it to help our people get rid of the bandits in Asmera.
Some times you wonder weather some of the writings about Eritrea are actually written by Eritreans, or any body who is a friend of Eritrea and its people.
Here is the problem I am having:
1. How can any genuine Eritrean fail to separate and differentiate between domestic issues and outside matters?
No matter what kind of Government we have, our border should be secured; we have to have a country first!!!
It is so stupid and immature to side line the border issue (Which is LEGALY on our side), give a blind eye to the injustice, and yet trash our own government!!
2. Any government in power in my country is "My government"!!!!! Period! Of course it is up to me to choose and to change it,
Particularly people in the so called developed western countries should understand this: no matter how unhappy or angry the people are on who is elected for government, they Never, Never!!!...compromise their loyalty and support of their government to lick outsiders assess! Please learn that!
3.Governments change, people change, but I want Eritrea to be there for ever!, so securing its Border, defending it from outside enemies, working for the unity of its people is a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY and lies on the shoulder of its people, irrespective of the government and should never be compromised. Period!
4. Please learn not to trash what is yours and praise or respect religiously what is others’. It shows inferiority complex! Of course you should always try to improve yours, learn from others and develop what is your own. But never trash your own.
5. I don’t Give a rat's ass on weather our president and Susan Rice are friends or not. All I care is Susan Rice is hardly a good news for my beloved Eritrea regarding its search for justice on the border issue. Feel me?
6. On Obama, well, like I said, it all depends on his foreign policy towards my country Eritrea. Obviously selecting Susan Rice is not a good news, of course she might change, or may learn from her mistakes (I am praying for that!)
But guys, if you are thinking Obama would be good for Africa because he is black.....I doubt that. Because Susan rice is black too....and that horrible woman "Jendayi E. Frazier " is black too. From my experience, American Blacks are as ignorant to African Issues as they are to their domestic problems. So I would not 100% rely on Obama's blackness
Izi wedhankum
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