Thursday, September 10, 2009

In The Name of the People.....

The prime minister of Ethiopia has lied for his people and the world for 5 years...saying this is his last term and he will step down in 2010. Now, he will stay in power because his people wanted him! Really? there is no one like Meles in the 80 million Ethiopians? in the name of the people? What an insult! of course no one expect him to giveup easily, but it still drives me nuts to read the following...

Ethiopia Prime Minster Meles Zenawi will seek for a new five-year term, his ruling party announced on Tuesday. The 54 year-old former guerrilla leader, who has been in power for 18 years, was convinced by party members to stay on. The Ethiopian People Democratic Front (EPRDF) council underlined that the Ethiopian people and his party need Mr Zenawi for one more term at the end of a two day annual gathering. "Meles is playing a key role in transforming Ethiopia...." EPRDF said in a statement.

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