Monday, March 30, 2009

Ente Zeyt Nwn'weni Men Mexdefeni!

Another sad news of last week is the death of Eritreans in Sudan by an unknown air strike, possibly by Israel. on Saturday March 28 reported the following:
Nine Eritrean army officers were killed in a surprise air attack on January 12 while traveling to Egypt, leading a convoy of 17 trucks full of arms that was to be smuggled to Hamas, late reports coming from Asmara indicated. The report disclosed that a colonel, Afwerqi Mosazgi, six Majors and two captains…

Hadas Eritra on March 28 denied the killed Eritreans were army officers. instead, it stated the air strike killed human trafic crossing boarder to Egypt and among the killed were Eritreans...(check here page 2 of the news paper).

To me, whether they were army officers on a mission or Eritreans crossing boarder for better life, they are fellow Eritreans.....who have families and friends, mothers and is VERY SAD we lost them forever and for nothing.
as for the government "Ente Zeyt Nwn'weni men mexdefeni" eyu negeru....
....even if these ERitreans were crossing boarders in search of better life, like thousands of others, it is because they couldn't find it in their own home country.

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